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Istilah ekokrasi bisa dipahami sebagai kekuasaan dari, oleh dan untuk alam seisinya. Hanya, pengertian sederhana itu mengandung kesulitan filosofis yang sangat besar. Kesulitan itu antara lain terkait dengan paham tentang alam secara keseluruhan maupun setiap bagiannya, dan juga tentang kedudukan manusia. Sebagai perbandingan, untuk memenuhi gagasan demokrasi pun diperlukan jalan panjang, bahkan terjal, apalagi ekokrasi. Empat gagasan dasar demokrasi, yaitu kesetaraan, kebebasan, otonomi dan partisipasi tidak bisa begitu saja diterapkan pada ekokrasi, meski untuk bisa merunut kemungkinan ekokrasi, perbandingan dengan demokrasi bisa membantu. Meski kemudian menemukan tanjakan-tanjakan kesulitan, bukan berarti ekokrasi tidak mungkin sama sekali. Beberapa prinsip dari Henryk Skolimowski maupun gagasan prosedural keadilan menurut John Rawls bisa dijadikan titik pijak mendaki ekokrasi.
Ecocracy can be understood as power of, by and for the nature and its contents. However, such a simple definition comprises a great philosophical difficulties. Such difficulties inter alia related to the understanding of the nature either holistically or partially, and also on the human position related to it. As a comparison, even to fulfill the idea democracy requires a long, even steep road, moreover on fulfilling ecocracy. Four basic ideas of demoracy, which are equality, freedom, autonomy and participation cannot be applied as such to ecocracy, although to be able to trace the possibilities of ecocracy, comparison to democracy may help. Although it will possibly crossing the ramps of difficulties, does not mean ecocracy is impossible. Some principles from Henryk Skolimowski, or the idea of procedural justice of John Rawls can be used as starting point in climbing ecocracy.
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Beetham, David dan Kevin Boyle (a.b. Bern. Hidayat), Demokrasi: 80 Tanya Jawab, Penerbit Kanisius: 2000
Blaug, Ricardo dan John Schwarzmantel, Democracy: A Reader, Edinburgh University Press: 1988
Campbell, David F. J. , The Basic Concept for the Democracy Ranking of the Quality of Democracy, 2008
Dewiel, Boris, Democracy, A History of Ideas, UBC Press: 2000
Doherty, Brian dan Marius de Geus, Democracy and Green Political Thought: Sustainability, Rights and Citizenship, Routledge: 1996
Eliot, Robert, Faking Nature: the Ethics of Environmental Restoration, Routledge: 1997
Emoto, Masaru, Messages from Water, Vol. 1, Hado Publishing: 1999 dan Vol. 2, Sunmark Publishing: 2001
Fukuyama ,Francis, The End of History and the Last Man, Free Press: 1992
Giddens, Anthony, The Politics of Climate Change, Polity: 2009
Gore, Al, Our Choice: Rencana untuk Memecahkan Krisis Iklim, (a.b. P. Hardono Hadi), Penerbit Kanisius: 2010
Harrison, Ross, Democracy (seri The Problem of Philosophy), Routledge: 1993
Jamieson, Dale (ed.), A Companion to Environmental Philosophy, Blackwell Publishers: 2001
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, Program Pengembangan Kota Hijau (P2KH), Panduan Pelaksanaan 2011
Kymlicka, Will, “The Good, The Bad and The Intolerable: Minority Group Rights,” dalam Patrick Hayden, The Philosophy of Human Rights, Paragon House: 2001, hal. 445-461
McLean, George F., “Meanings of Freedom and Choice,” dalam Robert Magliola dan John Farrelly, Meanings of Freedom (Freedom and Choice in A Democracy Vol. I), The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy: 2004, hal. 9-38
Rawls, John, Theory of Justice, Harvard University Press: 1971
Sessions, George (ed.), Deep Ecology for the 21st Century, Readings on the Philosophy and Practice of the New Environmentalism, Shambhala: 1995
Skolimowski, Henryk, Living Philosophy: Eco-Philosophy as a Tree of Life, Arkana: 1992
---, Philosophy for New Civilisation, Gyan Publishing House: 2006
---, “From Religious Consciousness to Technological Consciousness,” dalam David Skrbina (ed.), Confronting Technology: Selected Readings and Essays (first edition), Creative Fire Press: 2009, hal. 231-240
Tocqueville, Alexis de, Democracy in America, Vintage Books: 1956
UNFCCC, United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate Change, Handbook, Climate Change Secretariat: 2006
Vig, Norman J. dan Regina S. Axelrod (eds.), The Global Environment: Institutions, Law, and Policy, CQ Press: 1999