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Kekayaan Indonesia akan keanekaragaman hayati dengan komponen-komponennyamerupakan masa depan umat manusia sebagai sumber ketahanan pangan, kesehatan dan bahkan energi. Dengan potensi ini,Indonesia wajib melakukan upaya konservasi beserta legislasi yang efektif untuk mengatasi laju kerusakan dan kehilangan keaneragaman hayati yang telah mencapai tingkat yang sangat mengkhawatirkan.Tulisan ini membahas mengenai peran hukum dan kerangka hukum konservasi di Indonesia,utamanya kemampuan undang-undang konservasi dalam penyelamatan sumber daya alam hayati, serta saran perbaikan terhadap undang-undang yang saat ini ada.Saat ini kerangka hukum nasional konservasi keanekaragaman hayati berpusat pada Undang-UndangNo. 5Tahun 1990yang mengadopsi World Conservation Strategy IUCN tahun 1980 yang di tingkat internasional telah mengalami perubahan-perubahan mendasar. Terlepas dari keberhasilan UUini, diantaranya dengan mencadangkan lebih dari 25 juta ha ekosistem daratan dan lautan ke dalam sistem kawasan yang dilindungi (protected areas), undang-undang ini mengandung berbagai kelemahan untuk penerapannya saat ini dan perlu segera direvisi, termasuk harmonisasi yang mendalam dengan undang-undang terkait agar dapat dilaksanakan secara efektif di lapangan.
Biodiversity and its components: genetic resources, species and ecosystem with actual or potential use values to humanity is the future for the survival of humankind. With this potential, it is essential for Indonesia to conserve these resources equipped with effective national legislation to stop and reverse the unprecendented rate of biodiversity loss. This paper aims to discuss the conservation legal framework in Indonesia and the capability of the conservation law to halt unprecedented biodiversity loss and suggested revision for this law.The current legal framework for biodiversity conservation stems on the Act No 5 of 1990 which adopts World Conservation Strategy of IUCN 1980. Under the current framework, more than 25 million hectares of terrestrial and marine areas have been totally protected within protected areas systems. However, this centralistic law has some weaknesses to be effectively implemented at the current contexts. This law needs substantial revision and harmonization with other laws in order to make the implementation effective.
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Alexander, H. 2008. Gap Analisis: Pergeseran Paradigma Kebijakan Konservasi. OCSP-USAID, Jakarta.
Bappenas, 1993. Biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia. Bappenas, Jakarta.
Bappenas, 2003. Strategi dan Rencana Aksi Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia 2003-2020. IBSAP Dokumen Nasional Pemerintah Indonesia. Bappenas, Jakarta.Campese, J., Sunderland, T., Greiber, T. dan Oviedo, G. (eds.), 2009.Rights-based approaches: Exploring issues and opportunities for conservation. CIFOR and IUCN, Bogor, Indonesia. Jessica Campese, Terry Sunderland, Thomas Greiber and Gonzalo Oviedo
Claridge, G dan B. O’Callaghan, 1997. Making Co-Management of Wetland Resources Work. Dalam Community Involvement in Wetland Management: Lessons from the Field. Editor: Gordon Claridge. Wetlands International, Kuala Lumpur. Hal. 25-63.
Darwiati, W. 2008. Keragaman dan Konservasi Genetik Tanaman Hutan Resisten terhadap Hama Penyakit. Mitra Hutan Tanaman. Vol 3 No. 1. hal. 43-50.
Dudley, N. (Editor) (2008). Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
Hardin, G. 1968. Tragedy of the Commons. Science: Vol. 162 no. 3859 pp. 1243-1248
Indrawan, M; Primack, R.B.; dan Supriatna, J. 2007. Biologi Konservasi. 3rd Ed. Yayasan Obor, Jakarta.
IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. . Downloaded on 08 December 2012.
IUCN, 1980. World Conservation Strategy. Gland, Switzerland.
Meadows, DH, Meadows, DL, Randers, J & Behrens III, WW. 1972.The Limits to Growth (Universe Books, New York).
Mora, C dan Sale, P. 2011.Ongoing global biodiversity loss and the need to move beyond protected areas: A review of the technical and practical shortcoming of protected areas on land and sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 434: 251–266. Naylor, R; W. Falcon, dan C. Fowler (Ed). 2007. The Conservation of Global Crop GeneticResourcesIn the Face of Climate Change. Summary Statement from a Bellagio MeetingHeld on September 3-7, 2007.
Purbasari, DDTP, 2011. Interaksi Masyarakat dan Potensi Tumbuhan Berguna di Taman Hutan Raya Pancoran Mas Depok. Bogor: Fakultas Kehutanan IPB. (skripsi tidak diterbitkan), di dalam Taman Hutan Raya Pancoran Mas. Wikipedia bebas.( Diakses 12 November 2015.
Secretariat CBD, 2005. Handbook of the Convention on Biological Diversity, including Its Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. 3rd ed. Montreal, Canada.
Sukara, E. 2013. Biodiversity a Common Wealth for a Crowded Planet. Disampaikan pada The 2nd GSS Leading Expert Seminar – Graduate School Programme for Sustainable Development and Survivable Societies, Kyoto University – Japan December 19, 2013.
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 1992. Earth Summit: Agenda 21, The United Nations programme of Action From Rio. UN-DESA, New York.
United Nations, 2010. Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to The Convention on Biological Diversity. Secretariat of the Convention on Biodiversity. Montreal.
UNEP, 2011, Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication,
Volker, G dan C. Wissel. 1997. Babel, or the ecological stability discussions: an inventory and analysis of terminology and a guide for avoiding confusion". Oecologia 109: 323–334.
Wijnstekers, W. (2011): The Evolution of CITES - 9th editonInterna